In 1884, Prince Kūhiō Kalaniana’ole became a Crowned Prince of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. He was college educated, receiving a degree in Business while studying abroad in both the U.S. and England. Prince Kūhiō participated in the Wilcox Rebellion against coup annexationists in 1895. He was charged with treason by the overthrowers and served one year hard labor in prision. In 1900, Prince Kūhiō founded the Home Rule Party of Hawaiʻi where he continued to fight for the return of the Hawaiʻi as an independent nation.
From 1903 until his death in 1922, Prince Kūhiō served as a delegate of the Territory of Hawaiʻi to the U.S. Congress. A true statesman, he accomplished all of his advocacy without the ability to vote. He continues to be the only person of royalty to ever serve as a U.S. Congressman. Prince Kūhiō is well known for his forward political thinking, spearheading bills like the Organic Act of 1915 advocating against sufferage and giving women the right to vote. He is the author of the 1921 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act which created homestead lands for those of Hawaiian ancestry. In 1918 Prince Kūhiō founded the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu where his legacy of civic engagement continues on.
HCCH has three founding principles as outlined by our founder Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, which are the cornerstones of our work over the past 106 years.
1) Elevate (restore) the social status of Native Hawaiians
2) Elevate (restore) the intellectual status of Native Hawaiians
3) Increase pride in race heritage and Native Hawaiian identity
HCCH brings together leaders to advocate for and elevate issues affecting Native Hawaiians and engage with the larger community.
Our membership is comprised of 200+ kānaka ʻōiwi (Native Hawaiians), their spouses, friends and family who are contributing members of our communities across Hawaiʻi. We strive to continue the mission and vision of our founder by dedicating our efforts towards exercising the three principles to further enhance the lives of Native Hawaiians via the mechanism of civic and social engagement.
Liholiho - (Also known as Beautiful ʻIlima - Princess Emma Alexandria Kanoa DeFries)
Onaona wale ia pua
I ka mikiʻala mau ʻia
Hele a nohenohea
I ka nou a ke kēhau
O beautiful ‘ilima
Choice of my heart
O sweet and charming flower
Soft and lovely to behold
This flower is softly fragrant
And quickly secured
When pelted by the dew
Source: Nā Mele O Hawaiʻi Nei - This mele, also known as Lunalilo, was written for John Alexander Liholiho Kalaninohoʻopono Lunalilo (the sovereign who sat before Lunalilo), the first-born son of the composer. The child's name was given by the composer and his godmother, Queen Emma. Hawaiian Text edited by Puakea Nogelmeier.
Pelekikena - Mālia Sanders
Hope Pelekikena - Justin Vierra
Kākau ‘Ōlelo Ho’opa’a - Joanne Asuncion
Kākau ‘Ōlelo Ho’oholo - Uʻilani Souza
Pu’ukū - Keane Akao
Pelekikena Ma Mua - Anita Nāone
Kahu - Kenneth Makuakāne of Kawaiahaʻo Church
Nā Alaka’i - Pokiʻi Balaz, Manu Boyd, Taryn Chang, Debra Chong, Kūhiō Lewis, Monte McComber, Maxeen Shea, Kaleopaʻa Vares, Frances Yoshimitsu
Founding of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu
The following is an account of the founding of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, as given by Mrs. Parker (Sis) Widemann, HCCH president for 1963 and niece of Judge Alexander G.M. Robertson, legal advisor at the first meeting of the Civic Club:
Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, while delegate in Congress from Hawaii, made a trip back home in early 1917 and one day, as he stood at the corner of Fort and King Streets watching people walk by – he with his hands in his pockets – he was mehameha (sad) – for he realized not only did he not know them as they passed by, but also, they did not know him. He wondered where they were going, what was going on in their minds, what they did, where they lived. Some looked happy. Many seemed to care not. Some appeared sad, too. Kuhio knew that Honolulu was growing, that Hawaii was growing. He wondered, were they thinking about it, too, as he was. Were they aware of how Hawaii could grow and they, with her? He felt, as he watched them pass by, that they really didn’t know, or perhaps they didn’t want to know.
Kuhio’s concern was deep seated. He wanted his Hawaiian to be educated. He wanted him to elevate himself. He wanted to instill in and promote the economic, intellectual, social status, well-being of the Hawaiian in his community and he wanted sincerely to see Hawaii’s culture to be forever preserved, not only for the Hawaiian but for all Hawaii. With this trend of thought, he called together a group, seven in all, of his very close friends.
They met at his home, Pua Leilani, in Waikiki. There these gentlemen met: three Republicans (John C. Lane, William Legros, and Alexander G.M. Robertson, the lawyer), three Democrats (William H. Heen, Noah Aluli, and Jesse Uluihi), and Kuhio (who himself was a Republican). Judge Robertson sat as the attorney. The Prince told them of his hopes to find a way to remind the Hawaiian of his inherent civic pride, the Hawaiians inborn concern for good government. He told them how he felt that morning standing at Fort and King Streets and that before he returned to Washington D.C., he wanted, most of all to commence the forming of the Hawaiian people into a group which would dedicate themselves to the education of the Hawaiian — the young and the old — all of them — to help elevate and promote their social, economic, civic and intellectual status, all while they would promote the principles of good government as they themselves became outstanding citizens, leaders in their communities so that they could and would take an active part and place in the civic progress of Hawaii and its people. He felt it was the responsibility of each Hawaiian to bring to realization of these aims.
And so, with the legal mind of Judge Robertson coupled with Mr. Heen’s expertise, Kuhio requested and they complied with the preparation of and submittal to him of the first Articles of Incorporation of the Hawaiian Civic Club. This document was approved and signed by six of the seven original gentlemen – Robertson retained his position as LOIO. This instrument reflected without an ounce of doubt the deep respect each had for the other and their own partisan political belief, likewise for each one’s religious beliefs. Hence the Hawaiian Civic Club, as such, was never to involve itself in partisan politics nor would it ever involve itself in sectarian religious differences.
In the late twenties, when a Hawaiian Civic Club was started in Hauula and then in Lahaina, it was agreed that the original Hawaiian Civic Club, started in early December of 1917*, should be known as the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu: the “Mother Club”.
Thus, all Hawaiian Civic Clubs have stemmed from the original one which was started by the abovenamed Founding Fathers, under Kuhio, and all, to this very day, are responsible for and dedicated to the education of the Hawaiian, the elevation of his social, economic and intellectual status as they promote the principles of good government, outstanding citizenship, and civic pride in the inherent progress of Hawaii and all her people.
— “Sis” Widemann
February, 1980